The Student’s Union is about students. Its policies, as well as investments, should consult and involve them. We can make the LSESU even more reputable. Further training programs will be set up to improve interview and personal skills amongst students, making them even more attractive to employers. In addition, the development of skills through societies will be encouraged, not stifled and we will build an SU that can surpass our Oxbridge and Ivy League rivals.
I plan to encourage more sponsorship and investment from business and alumni; communication with whom I have already started. This will be used to ensure an SU with a healthier budget.
More efficiency, more resources and more money are achievable. Societies need a chance to defend budget proposals, through a process of negotiation in meetings, in order to get the money they deserve, regardless how small or new. This will negate any unnecessary future questioning and criticism about the allocation of funds. Furthermore, we will allow a roll-over of any unused money to the following year, and develop a system allowing societies to monitor their spending consistently. Additionally, the financial planning over the next few years must be geared to our move to a new SU building and I plan to begin the necessary preparation.
I’m a second year Government and Economics student who has been heavily involved in the committees of both Question Time (Vice-Chair) and Debate societies. I was the Convenor responsible for the planning and budgeting of the London IV debate competition. During Global week, I also arranged the One World Ambassadors series, and got 15 ambassadors to come speak. I have secured sponsorship from PWC, The Economist and The Daily Telegraph for societies over the past 6 months, therefore successfully raising money.
For an efficient Union, vote Tom Davey for Treasurer..
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