Thursday 1 March 2007

from two very anonymous editors

THE BEAVER CAN REVEAL….. tonight, no one (hopefully) is going to die. If everyone remembers that perhaps they will be happy. Happiness is gone from the LSE campus. Perhaps because…. Its election time at the LSE.

Tonight, citizens of the world can be united under their common anxiety over who will be on the next Constitution and Steering Committee? Even worse—who will be the next Returning Officer? This is a life or death situation. I don’t think people take it seriously enough.

Ah, election time. People who hardly know you kissing your ass trying to get your vote, flyers shoved in your face, ugly people trying to be pretty and hug you. Its dirty and wrong. One Beaver Editor liked Zoe’s ass though. I mean, how could Fadhil ever compete?

This Iraq shit is totally distracting people from SU elections. What the fuck? Get your priorities straight. They might actually BAN paper throwing at the UGM! I can barely sleep at night.

Yesterday, someone tried to tell me some dude tried to kill American VP Dick Cheney in Afghanistan this week. Why, why would someone waste my time with this information? More importantly, let’s talk about the fact that The Beaver dared to try to be objective during elections. Its never worked before, why try now? I’m offended by this ridiculous action.

Okay, okay. SU elections are important. But a little perspective wouldn’t hurt. As long as everyone goes home with all of their limbs and most of their brain cells, I’ll be happy. Not thrilled, because I’m not too excited about some of the candidates, but no tears will be shed.

Our GenSec will represent our union, the same way Peter Sutherland represents LSE. Wait, what? I’m confused.

I’m going to go pour another shot now. Yay elections!

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