Thursday, 1 March 2007

Comms Race: Edward Philip Roland Chevasco

CHEVASCO Stop the War, SWSS, Respect; No Fees, No Racism, No War. Why I want to be elected: I want to transform the way the LSE student union does things. I believe we can make huge amount of progress by introducing referenda for all students on all critical school decisions and appointments. I want the LSE to foster participant student democracy and encourage radical student activism.
A strong Campaigning, Engaging
Communicating Student Union
A believe that the students union can be a force for good and progressive change, improving the lives of not only LSE students but also fighting for a better world. History has proved that student activism works, and LSE has a proud history of student activism. It is only when united that we have any influence though, and so as Communications officer I would work hard to get more students to the UGM, encourage greater student activism and campaign to give every student vote in matters that affect our lives at university. Everyone should have a stake in students politics not just professional hacks
Free Education:
I want to campaign to make free education a priority for the NUS. I like many other students was on the demo in October to scrap tuition fees, but to stop the government from raising the “cap” on Top Up Fees, we need more student activism and pressure from both LSE SU and NUS as a whole. We in the LSE union need to campaign as hard as possible for the Universal Human Right of Education
Stop the war- Free Palestine –Don’t attack Iran:
And where has the money for education gone? Into fighting Bush and Blair’s bloody and illegal war and into building nuclear warheads. If elected to the student executive I would continue to campaign against the war on a

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