I am running for treasurer because this is everyone’s union so I want to see everyone using the SU facilities. I will: Improve Freshers Fair by training the volunteers. I will also get volunteers to walk Freshers between Clement House and the Old Gym so they can sign up to all the societies and AU clubs they want to. I will have sign up sheets for all societies and clubs in both the SU reception and halls. Therefore everyone has every opportunity to join the societies and clubs they want to.
Make Parish Hall more accessible to AU teams by replacing the existing floor with hard flooring
I am always approachable and willing to chat to you!
I will encourage more people to use SU services by: Better publicising 3TK and introducing a loyalty card system; Diversifying the entertainments program; Ensuring the new space for the Advice Centre is fully utilised
I will improve the efficiency of societies by: Holding an induction evening for society officers at the beginning of the year. This will expand the current training system in place; Improve the use of money allocated to societies by sending an email to societies in week 5 of Lent term informing them of their remaining budget; Improve the society handover procedure; Increase storage space for societies by utilising the space in Parish Hall.
I have a lot of experience and commitment : I have served as treasurer and chair of the Australian and New Zealand Society, I am netball club captain and was also a netball captain, I have developed strong established relationships with the Entertainments Manager, Societies Manager, Sports Administrator and other SU officials through active society and AU involvement.
So aim higher, vote Libby Meyer!
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