If elected as your Education and Welfare Officer, I will work for an inclusive Students’ Union which defends your education and supports your welfare, by standing for:
Affordable Education: Campaigning against fee increases and proposals to lift limits on undergraduate fees; Pressing for an end to visa charges for international students; Lobbying LSE against fees for postgraduate applications; Pushing for more bursaries; Supporting greater “London weighting” for financial support for students, due to the city’s high living costs.
Improved Student Support: Arguing for more structure in teaching by ensuring easy access to lecture notes and adequate course packs; Pressing for more efficient, useful evaluation of performance; Making pastoral care work for you through better tutorial support; Campaigning for re-sits and fast collective exam feedback.; Proactively encouraging state school applications
A Healthier Student Experience: Improving awareness of access to local medical services including registration procedures at St. Phillips; Raising Mental Health Awareness; Lobbying for better facilities for learning languages through course subsidisation ; Providing First Aid, Self-Defence and yoga classes; Working for more stress management and sports facilities; Keeping Wednesday afternoons free for all students.
An Inclusive Union with Strong Student Involvement: Termly welfare student forums to voice your concerns; Improving disabled access to union buildings; Setting up a Residences Welfare Committee with all halls represented; Standing for equality for all – working closely with ALL the Diversity officers to combat discrimination; Supporting initiatives for international justice and human rights ; Action for a greener, more ethical LSE
An Experienced Candidate: Union General Meeting Vice-Chair, LooSE TV Head of Journalis, PuLSE radio presenter International News Show, Luton Youth Education Forum, State School Student Mentor, Brixton Youth Worker, Student Assembly Against Racism supporter, Global Show co-host.
SuperRu – Supporting you all the way through.
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