Thursday, 1 March 2007

Societies Race: Carys Morgan

I'm Carys Morgan and this is my manifesto: 1) Some of our societies self-finance, and with the right help and guidance, so could others. I want to share best practice between societies so we can direct more money to the niche societies which are vital to our campus' diversity. 2) I want to massively increase society involvement in RAG. I got really involved this year, so did many societies and it greatly adds to our success. I want to motivate competition between national societies. 3) One criticism of LSE is the lack of community between national groups. The joint budget is currently underused and I want to change this. I would invite societies to put on halls events, funded by halls budgets in order to better cater for different groups. I will consider societies' individual needs - from publicity to storage space.
Vote Carys Morgan: more for societies, no more politics.

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