Thursday, 1 March 2007

International Students: Firoz Riaz Noordeen

Vote for A Union of Diversity- Vote Firoz. He will...Increase Representation: Be the voice of all International Students at LSE; Work with the Residences Officer to make residence International Representatives more effectual.
Improve LSE Induction: Encourage familiarisation of London, via a pioneering year-long series of cultural and enjoyable events; Further develop the International Students’ Handbook and work with the General Course representative to create a General Course Guide
Expand SU diversity: Develop diverse, inter-cultural events by increasing mutual co-operation amongst societies; Raise cultural awareness by encouraging all students to join a diverse range of societies.
Enhance Welfare: Lobby against fee rises and push for more bursaries/grants; Oppose rising visa charges and work-permit restrictions; Work with the Anti-Racism Officer to fight discrimination in all its forms, especially Racism; Work with the Environment & Ethics Officer to form a more Eco-friendly and Health-conscious LSE.

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