1. who shall have responsibility for all aspects of Union finance, and implementation of the
Union's finance policies.
2. who shall be responsible for the advertising and promotion of the Union's commercial
3. who shall be responsible for ensuring that the Union's commercial services follow Union
4. who shall be responsible for the day-to-day co-ordination and management of the Union's
services, after adequate consultation with the other sabbatical Officers and the implementation
of the Union's policies regarding services.
5. who shall be the Officer responsible, with the authorised prior resolution of the relevant Union
bodies, for the signing of all contracts, agreements, and undertakings for commercial services.
6. who shall be the Union's NUS Services Limited Liaison Officer
7. who shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Finance and Services Committee and
the Services Sub-committees, unless otherwise specified
8. who shall ensure through the Finance and Services committee that suitable financial controls
Codes of Practice of the London School of Economics Students' Union Page 44
9. who shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the Annual Budget Meeting after
authorization through the Finance and Services Committee, and the submission to the School for
the following year's subvention, after authorization through the Finance and Services Committee
and the Executive.
10. who shall present termly management accounts to the Executive and the Finance and
Services committee.
11. who shall be responsible for research and development into generating alternative sources of
revenue for the Union.
12. who shall be responsible for the financial regulation of Union societies.
13. who shall convene and Chair the Bars Committee, and liase with the bar to co-ordinate those
Entertainment projects which involve the bar.
14. Who shall be responsible for convening and Chairing the Entertainments Taskforce.
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