Thursday, 1 March 2007
Desh, Girlfriend of Simon Douglas
You think Simon will win?
Im not answering any questions that may incriminate myself.
What will you do if Simon does win?
Hopefully go to sleep!
Im not answering any questions that may incriminate myself.
What will you do if Simon does win?
Hopefully go to sleep!
James Ketteringham
How are you feeling?
Tired. Tired, confused worried anxious. I am trying to make predictions about things I cant really predict. I feel in limbo, that the answer is in a series of cardboard boxes."
Why not?
Im a natural pessismist when it comes to things like this/
What will you do if you lose?
I dont know yet.
Not Chevasco. The rest - either way.
Anything else?
Its [the election] being organised with military precision and accuracy!
Tired. Tired, confused worried anxious. I am trying to make predictions about things I cant really predict. I feel in limbo, that the answer is in a series of cardboard boxes."
Why not?
Im a natural pessismist when it comes to things like this/
What will you do if you lose?
I dont know yet.
Not Chevasco. The rest - either way.
Anything else?
Its [the election] being organised with military precision and accuracy!
Interview with Andy Hallet
How are you feeling?
Tired and emotional. It was a fair race. Everyone worked really hard.
Not particularly. Society whoever wins won't be a disaster. If it's not me I hope it's Carys.
Carys said there has been some negative campaigning...
No it's not true. It was a good natured campaign, everyone worked very hard.
(Carys has since specified her comment was about ALL the campaign)
Any other comment?
I think the left is going to sweep the board
Your prediction for tonight?
Kayt Berry
Tired and emotional. It was a fair race. Everyone worked really hard.
Not particularly. Society whoever wins won't be a disaster. If it's not me I hope it's Carys.
Carys said there has been some negative campaigning...
No it's not true. It was a good natured campaign, everyone worked very hard.
(Carys has since specified her comment was about ALL the campaign)
Any other comment?
I think the left is going to sweep the board
Your prediction for tonight?
Kayt Berry
Ben Lamy, Random Student
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling fine. I think that these elections have been the best organised in my last three years at LSE. They are much better organised than French universities that stink."
I'm feeling fine. I think that these elections have been the best organised in my last three years at LSE. They are much better organised than French universities that stink."
Fadhil Bakeer-Markar
How are you feeling?
Knackered. Im going to collapse at any moment.
Very confident because I gave it my best shot. If it is meant to be then it will happen. If it is not meant to be, it wont.
Word on the street is that you were disappointed with certain aspects of your opponents campaign?
Certain aspects. I will comment further after everything is done.
Any message?
For everyone out there who is watching, if you campaigned for me thanks, if you voted for me thanks, if you didnt thanks. If I am your GenSec I will do a good job.
Knackered. Im going to collapse at any moment.
Very confident because I gave it my best shot. If it is meant to be then it will happen. If it is not meant to be, it wont.
Word on the street is that you were disappointed with certain aspects of your opponents campaign?
Certain aspects. I will comment further after everything is done.
Any message?
For everyone out there who is watching, if you campaigned for me thanks, if you voted for me thanks, if you didnt thanks. If I am your GenSec I will do a good job.
Carys Morgan
How's it going?
I had a really good time, I think unfortunately there is a bit of contention with the campaign. Im quite nervous about it but looking forward to it.
There were a few issues of negative campaigning on both sides. Most issues were resolved and I'm happy.
I had a really good time, I think unfortunately there is a bit of contention with the campaign. Im quite nervous about it but looking forward to it.
There were a few issues of negative campaigning on both sides. Most issues were resolved and I'm happy.
Adrian Beciri, Returning Officer
Quote from mr Headphone, well known balcony boy.
I am really excited. The future of paper throwing is on the line and I think that the integrity of the balcony shall always be preserved irregardless of the result.
Adrian Beciri, Returning Officer
"The count room is restricted beacuse of problems last year. Im trying to make it as efficient as possible, and generate a serious environment to make it efficient."
"Basically, supervision is taking place even though candidates are splitting their own ballots. Supervision is taking place under Simon Douglas away from his race, Joel Kenrick, Alexandra Vincenti, Lizzie Fison."
"Tomic Babayev from Imperial has been brought in as a Deputy Returning Officer, and we have someone in from ULU as well."
"James Bacon and Arthur Krebbers are also participating."
"There is a strict no-alcohol rule, people have to indicate when they enter and when they leave the room."
"Basically, supervision is taking place even though candidates are splitting their own ballots. Supervision is taking place under Simon Douglas away from his race, Joel Kenrick, Alexandra Vincenti, Lizzie Fison."
"Tomic Babayev from Imperial has been brought in as a Deputy Returning Officer, and we have someone in from ULU as well."
"James Bacon and Arthur Krebbers are also participating."
"There is a strict no-alcohol rule, people have to indicate when they enter and when they leave the room."
Comment from Kanishka Aubeelack, former SWD officer
The last two days have been absolutely insane! Great weather has undoubtedly spurred campaign teams into a frenzy, which has driven the ‘normal’ people of the LSE mad, therefore resulting in a fantastic turnout – undoubtedly driven by the need to get those hacks off their backs. My forecast for the night? I don’t have one. Tonight is maybe advertised as a serious Count night, but in fact, it’s just THE excuse for hacks all over to get together, pissed and emotional all at once for the last great night of the term. And naturally, it’s also the opportunity for Pulse and LooseTV to steal the night from the Beaver - in a maze of wires and technical know-how.
Jeff Courtney
How do you feel?
"Well at the moment Im still happy enjoying the adrenalin, and enjoying taking part. When it all comes out Im gonna have to find something else to do."
What do you think your chances are?
"Im still very confident of winning. I think that people realise Im a good candidate"
What will you do if you lose?
"Hopefully go into a doctoral program somewhere doing philosophy of science."
Anything else....?
"Gonna enjoy the evening for what it is and see how things look in the morning."
"Well at the moment Im still happy enjoying the adrenalin, and enjoying taking part. When it all comes out Im gonna have to find something else to do."
What do you think your chances are?
"Im still very confident of winning. I think that people realise Im a good candidate"
What will you do if you lose?
"Hopefully go into a doctoral program somewhere doing philosophy of science."
Anything else....?
"Gonna enjoy the evening for what it is and see how things look in the morning."
Interview with Aled Fisher
How do you feel?
We have done the best we can in the campaign. Now we just wait to see what happens.
Do you think that having all the Greens campaign for you meant that other candidates from the Green party lost out?
Not at all. We all helped each other. We all leafleted for different people. It was a team effort.
Do you think the left was split?
No. There was a bit of a problem with the sabbs races but there always is. The left has campaigned like a team like never before.
We have done the best we can in the campaign. Now we just wait to see what happens.
Do you think that having all the Greens campaign for you meant that other candidates from the Green party lost out?
Not at all. We all helped each other. We all leafleted for different people. It was a team effort.
Do you think the left was split?
No. There was a bit of a problem with the sabbs races but there always is. The left has campaigned like a team like never before.
Edward Chevasco - Comms candidate
"I have enjoyed the campaign. I have enjoyed tonight. I hope to not be humiliated AND GET REALLY DRUNK!"
Quote from Arthur Krebbers
It was "a friendly campaign, with lot of creativity on the street and lot of close races"
Michael Deas on campaiging in Houghton Street

I ‘ran’ for F&S. I stood on the street for two whole days trying to get votes for me and other Green candidates…I admit it…here’s a sample of what happened…
Vote Michael for F&S…’Effing who?’
Hi there, have you voted in the SU elections? ‘No, I don’t believe in democracy, man. If you want power, you got to grab it!’
‘I’m definitely not voting for you, I heard you tortured donkeys.’
You get the picture anyway. It might suck to be the average student, walking down Houghton Street having leaflets and tacky slogans shoved in your face. But it’s not much better to be the person trying to shove those leaflets in your face. Yes, I know you think you’re funny, but I heard that reason for not voting ten minutes ago. Twice.
Standing out on the street convincing people you don’t know that they should vote for a position they’ve never heard of for reasons they don’t understand doesn’t exactly make you feel like a radical student on his way to saving the world. But that’s not the point.
Whoever wants to believe that LSESU elections are the first stepping stone to becoming a great leader of global change can do, but those who do don’t have much fun. The people who get the most out of election time aren’t the people who are running for Sab or exec positions, but the people who are on their campaign teams.
The guy who stood outside the Old Building in a dress all morning proudly bearing his chesthair in the hope it might produce an extra vote for Berry #1, he had fun.
The bloke who carried the Simon Douglas sign and serenaded us all with ‘1234…Simon Douglas…5678….SIMON DOUGLAS!’ for two whole days (thanks man, you kept us going), he had fun.
And I guess I had fun too…exercising my democratic right to waste paper and harass apathetic students…convincing people that if only they’d vote green in LSESU elections global climate change could be averted tomorrow…wearing someone else’s face on a T-shirt for two days…
But seriously, student elections don’t work not because of the people who run, but because Joe Student doesn’t give a fuck. And That’s worrying because if LSE students, supposedly the best minds in Europe, don’t give a fuck, then who is going to keep a check on career politicians when they are running for parliament instead of SU elections?
Campaigning in Houghton Street
The day has finally drawn to a close. Campaigning, many people call it. But I honestly think that it was more to do with screaming your lungs out and accosting random people on Houghton Street. Which of course means that right now I am feeling very very tired. But then again I shouldn’t be complaining...many other people seemed to be doing better than me in both the screaming and accosting departments!
It all started out quite normally. I had to put on the mandatory t-shirt, cover myself with lots of ‘I vote for xxxx’ stickers and hand out lots and lots of flyers to anyone who would take them. But before I go any further I think I should let it be known that I’m not really the usual hack. I don’t really care much for politics, neither for people who make a big deal of it. So the only real reason I decided to get involved was so that I could show some support for my friends. Which inevitably meant that I had to campaign for several people at the same time : not the best idea!!!
Handing out flyers was very daunting. Most people decided to pretend I didn’t exist and just walked past. Others had the courtesy to smile while some decided to lie and say that they had already voted. A few decided to listen to what I had to say and walked away possibly a little more convinced that they should vote for the candidate I was supporting. Things weren’t helped by the fact that the weather was freezing and I couldn’t wear a jacket since it would cover up the t-shirt with the candidate’s name on. So I braved the cold, ruined my vocal cords and made a general fool of myself (it was obvious from the funny way all the non-SU/hack people looked at me).
And now I sit here, writing this little piece while I wait for the count to begin. Although I should do the smart thing and go home, the count draws me to it, like a moth to a flame. Hopefully all the screaming and running around I did has paid off and the people I supported will see their dreams come true. But then again experience tells me that election counts are very unpredictable.
So after a very long day I’m only at the beginning of a very long night. Perhaps campaigning wasn’t so bad after all…
It all started out quite normally. I had to put on the mandatory t-shirt, cover myself with lots of ‘I vote for xxxx’ stickers and hand out lots and lots of flyers to anyone who would take them. But before I go any further I think I should let it be known that I’m not really the usual hack. I don’t really care much for politics, neither for people who make a big deal of it. So the only real reason I decided to get involved was so that I could show some support for my friends. Which inevitably meant that I had to campaign for several people at the same time : not the best idea!!!
Handing out flyers was very daunting. Most people decided to pretend I didn’t exist and just walked past. Others had the courtesy to smile while some decided to lie and say that they had already voted. A few decided to listen to what I had to say and walked away possibly a little more convinced that they should vote for the candidate I was supporting. Things weren’t helped by the fact that the weather was freezing and I couldn’t wear a jacket since it would cover up the t-shirt with the candidate’s name on. So I braved the cold, ruined my vocal cords and made a general fool of myself (it was obvious from the funny way all the non-SU/hack people looked at me).
And now I sit here, writing this little piece while I wait for the count to begin. Although I should do the smart thing and go home, the count draws me to it, like a moth to a flame. Hopefully all the screaming and running around I did has paid off and the people I supported will see their dreams come true. But then again experience tells me that election counts are very unpredictable.
So after a very long day I’m only at the beginning of a very long night. Perhaps campaigning wasn’t so bad after all…
AU elections: projection
Preliminary expectations are that Dan Holmes is going to easily win the uncontested AU Presidency. Similarly, Jen Barker seems to be winning fairly convincingly over the less well known Neil Yogananther. The other races are expected to me much closer with Kimberlee James having a slight advantage in the Events race, Rob Low edging Rhys Meggy in the Secretary’s race, Sophie De-La-Hunt beating Louis De-Ste-Croix and Josh Tendeter becoming the next club liason.
from two very anonymous editors
THE BEAVER CAN REVEAL….. tonight, no one (hopefully) is going to die. If everyone remembers that perhaps they will be happy. Happiness is gone from the LSE campus. Perhaps because…. Its election time at the LSE.
Tonight, citizens of the world can be united under their common anxiety over who will be on the next Constitution and Steering Committee? Even worse—who will be the next Returning Officer? This is a life or death situation. I don’t think people take it seriously enough.
Ah, election time. People who hardly know you kissing your ass trying to get your vote, flyers shoved in your face, ugly people trying to be pretty and hug you. Its dirty and wrong. One Beaver Editor liked Zoe’s ass though. I mean, how could Fadhil ever compete?
This Iraq shit is totally distracting people from SU elections. What the fuck? Get your priorities straight. They might actually BAN paper throwing at the UGM! I can barely sleep at night.
Yesterday, someone tried to tell me some dude tried to kill American VP Dick Cheney in Afghanistan this week. Why, why would someone waste my time with this information? More importantly, let’s talk about the fact that The Beaver dared to try to be objective during elections. Its never worked before, why try now? I’m offended by this ridiculous action.
Okay, okay. SU elections are important. But a little perspective wouldn’t hurt. As long as everyone goes home with all of their limbs and most of their brain cells, I’ll be happy. Not thrilled, because I’m not too excited about some of the candidates, but no tears will be shed.
Our GenSec will represent our union, the same way Peter Sutherland represents LSE. Wait, what? I’m confused.
I’m going to go pour another shot now. Yay elections!
Tonight, citizens of the world can be united under their common anxiety over who will be on the next Constitution and Steering Committee? Even worse—who will be the next Returning Officer? This is a life or death situation. I don’t think people take it seriously enough.
Ah, election time. People who hardly know you kissing your ass trying to get your vote, flyers shoved in your face, ugly people trying to be pretty and hug you. Its dirty and wrong. One Beaver Editor liked Zoe’s ass though. I mean, how could Fadhil ever compete?
This Iraq shit is totally distracting people from SU elections. What the fuck? Get your priorities straight. They might actually BAN paper throwing at the UGM! I can barely sleep at night.
Yesterday, someone tried to tell me some dude tried to kill American VP Dick Cheney in Afghanistan this week. Why, why would someone waste my time with this information? More importantly, let’s talk about the fact that The Beaver dared to try to be objective during elections. Its never worked before, why try now? I’m offended by this ridiculous action.
Okay, okay. SU elections are important. But a little perspective wouldn’t hurt. As long as everyone goes home with all of their limbs and most of their brain cells, I’ll be happy. Not thrilled, because I’m not too excited about some of the candidates, but no tears will be shed.
Our GenSec will represent our union, the same way Peter Sutherland represents LSE. Wait, what? I’m confused.
I’m going to go pour another shot now. Yay elections!
Simon Douglas on campaigning in Houghton Street Today

This is Simon Douglas' account of campaigning in Houghton Street for the past two days.
Street campaigning is exhausting. People who think that we take student politics lightly should spend 10 hours on the street. Today, I got in to LSE at 8am, left at 6.30pm (half an hour before close of polls due to an agreement between the Comms candidates) and left the street only to flyer carious computer rooms and the Brunch Bowl. I even ate my lunch while campaigning. It. Was. Hard. Core.
And it’s not 8.30 and I have no idea how it all went. Was it worth it? I have to wait another five or six hours to find that out; and I have to say that this waiting is even harder than the campaigning. Here’s hoping…
Joel Kenrick's speech
For the past year it has been my privilege to serve as your Treasurer. I have tried to serve you well, and deliver on my promises - more money for societies. a stronger Advice Centre. a campaigning Union. A strategic plan for our future.
Yet there is much to be done.
Under my leadership we would be a different kind of Union.
We sometimes seem too content to sit back, managing the decline of our student voice. More interested in managing relations with the School than fighting for our students.
My campaign is about reclaiming our values, our strength and our dreams. Restoring our sense of common purpose. Together few obstacles can withstand the unified power of our voices calling for change.
It is time for our Union to stand together in solidarity with all of our members.
We should drive the campaign to make a further education once more affordable to all, to keep the cap, for free prescriptions and extending travel discounts.
We should vigorously fight against the chant of 'extremism on campus' which so often leads to the unfair, unjust and unfounded victimization of our black and ethnic minority students.
For too long post-graduates have been sidelined, but I’ll fight hard for their rights. We should campaign to improve their teaching, support GTAs, end the unfair application and deferral charges. I’d lead a nationwide campaign to extend cheap Student Loans to postgraduate students.
Our Union, with students from over 140 countries, must be an internationalist Union, unafraid to show real support for students suffering under oppression or occupation around the world, and willing to stand up against those complicit in their pain.
The LSE was founded 112 years ago for the betterment of society by Fabians to understand the causes of things.
We are a social science university, not a business school. As a Union we should never forget this.
Lets lead the way in a new way of thinking which puts a concern for poverty, inequality, human rights and the environment at the heart of all our actions.
I'm in it to win it. To win for students who care.
To win for student solidarity and a return to the days when the LSE Students' Union was taken seriously as a persuasive force for powerful, positive change.
United we’re unbeatable. United we will win.
Next week vote with your heart. Vote with your wallet. Vote for the future.
Whoever you vote for use your vote wisely. And never forget the powerful, active and campaigning Union that we can become.
Thank you.
Yet there is much to be done.
Under my leadership we would be a different kind of Union.
We sometimes seem too content to sit back, managing the decline of our student voice. More interested in managing relations with the School than fighting for our students.
My campaign is about reclaiming our values, our strength and our dreams. Restoring our sense of common purpose. Together few obstacles can withstand the unified power of our voices calling for change.
It is time for our Union to stand together in solidarity with all of our members.
We should drive the campaign to make a further education once more affordable to all, to keep the cap, for free prescriptions and extending travel discounts.
We should vigorously fight against the chant of 'extremism on campus' which so often leads to the unfair, unjust and unfounded victimization of our black and ethnic minority students.
For too long post-graduates have been sidelined, but I’ll fight hard for their rights. We should campaign to improve their teaching, support GTAs, end the unfair application and deferral charges. I’d lead a nationwide campaign to extend cheap Student Loans to postgraduate students.
Our Union, with students from over 140 countries, must be an internationalist Union, unafraid to show real support for students suffering under oppression or occupation around the world, and willing to stand up against those complicit in their pain.
The LSE was founded 112 years ago for the betterment of society by Fabians to understand the causes of things.
We are a social science university, not a business school. As a Union we should never forget this.
Lets lead the way in a new way of thinking which puts a concern for poverty, inequality, human rights and the environment at the heart of all our actions.
I'm in it to win it. To win for students who care.
To win for student solidarity and a return to the days when the LSE Students' Union was taken seriously as a persuasive force for powerful, positive change.
United we’re unbeatable. United we will win.
Next week vote with your heart. Vote with your wallet. Vote for the future.
Whoever you vote for use your vote wisely. And never forget the powerful, active and campaigning Union that we can become.
Thank you.
International Students: Firoz Riaz Noordeen
Vote for A Union of Diversity- Vote Firoz. He will...Increase Representation: Be the voice of all International Students at LSE; Work with the Residences Officer to make residence International Representatives more effectual.
Improve LSE Induction: Encourage familiarisation of London, via a pioneering year-long series of cultural and enjoyable events; Further develop the International Students’ Handbook and work with the General Course representative to create a General Course Guide
Expand SU diversity: Develop diverse, inter-cultural events by increasing mutual co-operation amongst societies; Raise cultural awareness by encouraging all students to join a diverse range of societies.
Enhance Welfare: Lobby against fee rises and push for more bursaries/grants; Oppose rising visa charges and work-permit restrictions; Work with the Anti-Racism Officer to fight discrimination in all its forms, especially Racism; Work with the Environment & Ethics Officer to form a more Eco-friendly and Health-conscious LSE.
Improve LSE Induction: Encourage familiarisation of London, via a pioneering year-long series of cultural and enjoyable events; Further develop the International Students’ Handbook and work with the General Course representative to create a General Course Guide
Expand SU diversity: Develop diverse, inter-cultural events by increasing mutual co-operation amongst societies; Raise cultural awareness by encouraging all students to join a diverse range of societies.
Enhance Welfare: Lobby against fee rises and push for more bursaries/grants; Oppose rising visa charges and work-permit restrictions; Work with the Anti-Racism Officer to fight discrimination in all its forms, especially Racism; Work with the Environment & Ethics Officer to form a more Eco-friendly and Health-conscious LSE.
LGBT: Dom Rampat

1. An LGBT for all: Encourage higher levels of participation within the society for all regardless of their sexuality; Work closely with the Women’s and International Students’ officers to ensure fair representation of these students; Support the NUS ‘What Women Want’ Lesbian rights campaign.
2. Better advertising of Office Hours and LGBT counseling services: Integrate services with the Welfare Sab to help those in need seek help or advice.
3. A truly integrated LGBT society within the SU: Encourage more LGBT involvement within SU; discourage such a strong clique defining the LGBT society; Fight the homophobia inherent in some societies.
4. A high-profile LGBT awareness week: More emphasise on the extent of homophobia that still exists in large parts of both the UK and world; Work with gay rights organisations such as Stonewall to facilitate LGBT career fairs and health workshops.
Environment and Ethics: Doug Oliver

I can’t offer the Earth in this election: whatever it’s outcome, it’s unfortunately likely that the Polar Ice Caps will still be melting and London’s streets will still be polluted by West London plutocrats in Chelsea Tractors. However, I want our Union to make the simple but necessary steps to ensure that LSE reduces its ecological footprint:
Re-affirm the Union’s commitment to Recycling; Provide full support to the campaign to extend TfL student discounts; Press the school for the installation of water fountains; Support the campaign for the Living Wage.
As former SU Returning Officer and Bankside Committee member and as a current Society Treasurer, LSE delegate to NUS, and Amnesty Committee member, I know how to make our school work better for students.
A political moderate I want a new environment in our SU where positive politics comes before personality-driven acrimony. For a better environment for students, Vote Doug.
Environment and ethics: Aled Dilwyn Fisher

Raising Awareness: First ever Climate Change Awareness Week, biggest Environment Week; Increasing Sustainability: Secured mandatory doubled-sided printing, introduced Biodegradable Belu bottled water, secured pledges from LSE to install water fountains and move towards zero-carbon campus; Actively Campaigning: Actively supported Living Wage, successfully banned arms trade funding in the SU.
GOALS FOR NEXT YEAR: Another Climate Change Awareness Week; Environmental Careers Fair; Organise Freshers’ Ethical Induction – promoting affordable, ethical lifestyles; Campaign to extend TFL student discount; Achieve Gold Class in Sound Impact Environmental Awards; Reduce Houghton Street postering using noticeboards and electronic advertising; Passionately support Living Wage; Pursue ethical investment
VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE: LSESU NUS Delegate, Member of inaugural London Student Assembly, Stop Climate Chaos, Amnesty, People and Planet, antiwar campaigner
Treasurer Job Description
Treasurer's job description
1. who shall have responsibility for all aspects of Union finance, and implementation of the
Union's finance policies.
2. who shall be responsible for the advertising and promotion of the Union's commercial
3. who shall be responsible for ensuring that the Union's commercial services follow Union
4. who shall be responsible for the day-to-day co-ordination and management of the Union's
services, after adequate consultation with the other sabbatical Officers and the implementation
of the Union's policies regarding services.
5. who shall be the Officer responsible, with the authorised prior resolution of the relevant Union
bodies, for the signing of all contracts, agreements, and undertakings for commercial services.
6. who shall be the Union's NUS Services Limited Liaison Officer
7. who shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Finance and Services Committee and
the Services Sub-committees, unless otherwise specified
8. who shall ensure through the Finance and Services committee that suitable financial controls
9. who shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the Annual Budget Meeting after
authorization through the Finance and Services Committee, and the submission to the School for
the following year's subvention, after authorization through the Finance and Services Committee
and the Executive.
10. who shall present termly management accounts to the Executive and the Finance and
Services committee.
11. who shall be responsible for research and development into generating alternative sources of
revenue for the Union.
12. who shall be responsible for the financial regulation of Union societies.
13. who shall convene and Chair the Bars Committee, and liase with the bar to co-ordinate those
Entertainment projects which involve the bar.
14. Who shall be responsible for convening and Chairing the Entertainments Taskforce.
1. who shall have responsibility for all aspects of Union finance, and implementation of the
Union's finance policies.
2. who shall be responsible for the advertising and promotion of the Union's commercial
3. who shall be responsible for ensuring that the Union's commercial services follow Union
4. who shall be responsible for the day-to-day co-ordination and management of the Union's
services, after adequate consultation with the other sabbatical Officers and the implementation
of the Union's policies regarding services.
5. who shall be the Officer responsible, with the authorised prior resolution of the relevant Union
bodies, for the signing of all contracts, agreements, and undertakings for commercial services.
6. who shall be the Union's NUS Services Limited Liaison Officer
7. who shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Finance and Services Committee and
the Services Sub-committees, unless otherwise specified
8. who shall ensure through the Finance and Services committee that suitable financial controls
Codes of Practice of the London School of Economics Students' Union Page 44
9. who shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the Annual Budget Meeting after
authorization through the Finance and Services Committee, and the submission to the School for
the following year's subvention, after authorization through the Finance and Services Committee
and the Executive.
10. who shall present termly management accounts to the Executive and the Finance and
Services committee.
11. who shall be responsible for research and development into generating alternative sources of
revenue for the Union.
12. who shall be responsible for the financial regulation of Union societies.
13. who shall convene and Chair the Bars Committee, and liase with the bar to co-ordinate those
Entertainment projects which involve the bar.
14. Who shall be responsible for convening and Chairing the Entertainments Taskforce.
Gen Sec Job Description
1. who shall be responsible for the overall co-ordination of Union activities, campaigns and
committees, and for their publicity.
2. who shall unless stated be the primary Officer responsible for implementing the policies of the
3. who shall be responsible for liaison between the School and the Union, and responsible for coordinating
Student representation on School Committees.
4. who shall be the primary representative of LSE students.
5. who shall be the Officer concerned with all staffing matters and through the General manager,
shall implement the decisions made by the Administration and Staffing committee.
6. who shall be responsible, subject to the appropriate committees for the administration of the
daily business of the Union.
7. who shall be responsible for representing the Union in external matters and contacts with the
8. who shall be responsible for contacts with the National Union of Students and shall be an
automatic representative of the Union at NUS National Conference.
9. who shall be an automatic representative of the Union on the LSE Court of Governors and the
Council of the University Of London Union.
10. who shall be a member of all Union committees, except the Constitution and Steering
11. who shall be the Officer responsible with the authorised prior resolution of the relevant Union
bodies, for the signing of all non-commercial contracts, agreements and undertakings, which the
Union may enter, except for those regarding Entertainments.
12. who shall be responsible for the Introduction to the Students' Union for new students.
13. who shall be responsible for convening and chairing (where specified) the Union General
Meeting, Executive Committee, and Administration and Staffing Committee.
14. who shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Union between Union General meetings and
Executive committee meetings, on matters of a minor, non-contentious, or urgent nature,
having taken into considerations the opinions of other readily available Executive Officers, with
the proviso that all such actions will be reported to the appropriate body at the next opportunity.
committees, and for their publicity.
2. who shall unless stated be the primary Officer responsible for implementing the policies of the
3. who shall be responsible for liaison between the School and the Union, and responsible for coordinating
Student representation on School Committees.
4. who shall be the primary representative of LSE students.
5. who shall be the Officer concerned with all staffing matters and through the General manager,
shall implement the decisions made by the Administration and Staffing committee.
6. who shall be responsible, subject to the appropriate committees for the administration of the
daily business of the Union.
7. who shall be responsible for representing the Union in external matters and contacts with the
8. who shall be responsible for contacts with the National Union of Students and shall be an
automatic representative of the Union at NUS National Conference.
9. who shall be an automatic representative of the Union on the LSE Court of Governors and the
Council of the University Of London Union.
10. who shall be a member of all Union committees, except the Constitution and Steering
11. who shall be the Officer responsible with the authorised prior resolution of the relevant Union
bodies, for the signing of all non-commercial contracts, agreements and undertakings, which the
Union may enter, except for those regarding Entertainments.
12. who shall be responsible for the Introduction to the Students' Union for new students.
13. who shall be responsible for convening and chairing (where specified) the Union General
Meeting, Executive Committee, and Administration and Staffing Committee.
14. who shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Union between Union General meetings and
Executive committee meetings, on matters of a minor, non-contentious, or urgent nature,
having taken into considerations the opinions of other readily available Executive Officers, with
the proviso that all such actions will be reported to the appropriate body at the next opportunity.
Ed Welfare officer
Principal Responsibilities:
The Education and Welfare Officer is the Union representative on educational issues (such as teaching quality and academic appeals). This involves campaigning on-campus and nationally, such as against 'top-up' fees and other increases in the cost of education, and representing students and Union policy on School committees. There is also a case work load to manage, where you represent and work on individual student issues. You are also heavily involved in the equality weeks and campaigns, and residences.
Getting involved in London wide campaigns, such as the 'One London' campaign, Capital Woman and 'Women in the Economy' and Rise Against Racism, has been an enjoyable added extra to the job. Have also drafted policies for the UGM with the equality officers.
Qualities Required:
Knowledge of the issues facing the higher education system as a whole, ability to work with others, and a strong commitment to the rights of students.
Important to plan ahead, and balance the different demanding aspects of your job so that you can be involved in the equality weeks and campaigns.
Pluses of the job:
Getting to work closely with the LGBT, Womens, Anti-Racism, Students with Disabilities, International, Postgraduate and Residences officers especially, and literally meeting hundreds of students.
Education and Welfare Officer's job description
1. who shall be responsible for all aspects of student welfare, co-ordinating welfare rights and
advice services, co-ordinating welfare campaigns of the Union, and the equitable disbursement
of the Union's welfare funds.
2. who shall be responsible for co-ordinating and developing the Union's Academic Affairs policy,
Students' Academic welfare and rights advice, and Educational Campaigns.
3. who shall be responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of the Students'
Union's equal opportunities policy and equal opportunity campaigns.
4. who shall be responsible for liaison with the School and Academic departments on all issues
concerning welfare, education, and equal opportunities.
5. who shall be responsible for convening and Chairing the Advice Centre Committee and Equal
Opportunities Taskforce.
6. who shall be the Union's primary Officer involved with monitoring the activities of the
Academic Board and other related Academic Committees.
7. who shall be responsible for liaison between the Students' Union and the committees of the
LSE's residences.
Comms: Job description
Principal Responsibilities:
Running the SU website, communicating the activities of the Union to students, finding advertising revenue for the Union, dealing with the outside press, promoting the UGM, working with the Media Group (Beaver, PuLSEfm, Script and LooSE TV), chairing RAG week, chairing Global Week, producing SU guides, handbooks, fliers and posters, promoting SU elections, promoting SU campaign weeks. Fulfilling all the other duties of a Sabbtical Officer in running the Union day-to-day.
Is a full time position and will often mean long days and sometimes weekend work. Will mean attending, reporting to and answering questions from the UGM, going to Execm C&S, F&S and Admin and Staffing Committees and attending some meetings with the School. Some with high level figures.
Qualities Required:
High knowledge of the SU workings and what is happening accross the School and SU. Good relations with the Media Group. Need to be hardworking, creative, with design skills. Proactive, as the job description is rather vague as the job was only created in 2004.
The Communications Officer takes office on July 1st and serves until July 14th the following year.
Pluses of the job:
Fantastic work experience running a large organistion. As a trustee, you will be managing staff, making strategic decisions for the SU as well as handling a large a varied portfolio, with lots of freedom. The pluses are you get your own office and get paid £22,000 and technically have no boss (except the UGM, which can't be taken for granted). Sabbatical positions really allow you to make a difference to the Union and to students and can be incredible fun.
Communications Officer's job description
1. who shall be responsible for obtaining advertising and sponsorship for areas of Union activity,
including the publications of the Union and, upon request, Union societies.
2. who shall have primary responsibility for the Students' Union Handbook, as set out under the
Codes of Practice.
3. who shall have primary responsibility for the Alternative Prospectus, as set out under the
Codes of Practice.
4. who shall have primary responsibility for the RAG Week and Global Week Guides, as set out
under the Codes of Practice.
5. who shall be responsible for liasing with other Officers and ensuring that the Union, the
activities of the Union, and the activities of Union societies are communicated to the whole
student body.
6. who shall be responsible for weekly publicity for Union General Meetings.
7. who shall be responsible for convening and chairing the Global Week and RAG Week
Taskforces and who shall be the primary officer responsible for organising these events.
8. who shall be responsible for displaying the minutes of Executive meetings.
9. who shall be responsible for assisting the Returning Officer in publicising elections.
10. who shall assist the General Secretary, the Education & Welfare Sabbatical, and the
Women's Officer with publicising campaigns and providing information for students.
11. who shall be responsible for the preparation of brief descriptions of the non-executive posts
for distribution to candidates in Union elections.
12. who shall be responsible for assisting the General Secretary, upon request, with press
releases and external publicity, including the wide dissemination of information concerning
external campaigns that the Union supports.
13. who shall be the Convenor of the LSESU Media Group as set out in the LSESU Media Group
SWD: Lizzie Fison

Lizzie Fison – “an experienced advocate for accountable action”Advocate with experience: familiar with services for Students with Disabilities (SWD), proposed UGM motions, raised issues through questions to SU officers & written to Beaver, taught sign language workshops here, actively evaluating development of LSE’s Disability Equality Scheme with other SWD, approachable, friendly & trained mentor
Action: raise profile of diversity of disabilities & wellbeing issues, publicise resources available, including explicit reference in freshers’ info, increase awareness & motivate disability friendliness with articles, posters, workshops & SU recognition awards, continue co-operating with Disability & Wellbeing Office and Circles
Accountability: create “one-stop-shop” website: help available, LSE accessibility guides, disability friendly tips, progress reports & comments/questions section, accessible, weekly surgery, maintain regular email correspondence, Chair SU SWD forum (before School’s termly Disability Consultative Forum); encourage attendance from Sabbs & other officers.
SWD: Shayaan Afsar

SHAYAAN FOR Students With Disabilities Officer. My aims: More accessible LSE for all students with disabilities; Shorter waiting periods in Disability Office; Better access to course materials; Obtaining best help possible; Informing you about your rights; Providing practical ways to cope; Dealing with stigma; Always being there to talk to.
About me: Current ULU Part-Time and Mature Students’ Officer; Member of the LSESU Finance and Services Committee (F&S) since 2005; Suffered from Clinical Depression in 2006 and passionate about mental health; Have dyspraxia (a Specific Learning Difficulty).
Residence Race: Louise Robinson

Re-elect Louise Robinson as your SU Residences Officer for proven experience in actively representing students: Living Wage – Vocally supporting the campaign on demonstrations and in committees to secure a commitment from the School on campus and in halls; Environmental sustainability – continuing to work within the SU Green Party to demand a real commitment to widespread environmental practices to reduce wastage, and environmental and financial costs, in strategic and viable plans; Communications and Websites – Improving information available to prospective and current students: supporting students moving into and within London; Making Hall Bars work for students - strategic plans for common space use, using innovation and consultation; Supporting Committees – offering support and experience to affect the changes residents want in individual halls; Improvements in bandwidth – faster, secure internet connections are a necessity!
Re-elect success and move towards progress
Green Party – Robinson – Ensuring safer, affordable, sustainable residences
Societies Race: Carys Morgan

I'm Carys Morgan and this is my manifesto: 1) Some of our societies self-finance, and with the right help and guidance, so could others. I want to share best practice between societies so we can direct more money to the niche societies which are vital to our campus' diversity. 2) I want to massively increase society involvement in RAG. I got really involved this year, so did many societies and it greatly adds to our success. I want to motivate competition between national societies. 3) One criticism of LSE is the lack of community between national groups. The joint budget is currently underused and I want to change this. I would invite societies to put on halls events, funded by halls budgets in order to better cater for different groups. I will consider societies' individual needs - from publicity to storage space.
Vote Carys Morgan: more for societies, no more politics.
Societies race: Andy Hallet
Societies are crucial for a healthy Union, and I would act as someone who knows when to interfere and when to leave societies alone. Some societies are already thriving; they should receive more independence and their expertise being passed on to other societies. Those that are struggling will benefit from my policies of more budget application assistance, more training for society committees and the opportunity to join any society at my office hours rather than merely at Freshers’ Fair.
I would encourage greener advertising, pushing societies to use the internet and facebook more in place of papering Houghton Street. We need something of a welfare state so as to enable all societies to be the backbone of the Union they can, and should be. There is such thing as a society, so vote for many great ones. Andy Hallett No. 1 for Societies officer – for the societies you deserve.
Societies Race: Om Dhumatkar

OMG! You’re still thinking?! Vote for OM Your Only Man for Societies. Hi my name is Om Dhumatkar and over the past year I’ve Chaired India Week, been Vice-President for SPICE Society, Committee Member for the Hindu Society and International Students Taskforce, in addition to raising £1,700 for this Union. I’m asking for your vote to ensure a transparent, committed and supportive union for societies and for all students.
For societies: Umbrellas on Houghton Street so society volunteers don’t soak every time it rains; Summer storage facilities for societies; Double Societies Forums and Training events to ensure access to sponsorships and funding; Innovative promotions in collaboration with the Beaver, Pulse FM and LOOSE TV; Clear postering policy.
For us: Get on your society Committee; More society funding – for cheaper, fun events; Cut the bureaucracy; Get heard by the Union!
Ed Welfare: James Ketteringham

Equal Opportunities for All. I believe in equality, opportunity and justice. I am running for Education and Welfare Officer to realise these ideals at the LSE. I want to be an approachable first point of contact for students to find solutions to their problems; academic or personal.
The quality of our teaching and pastoral care is inconsistent. I believe we are all entitled to the high standards currently found only in the best departments. I will push the school to make 'best practice' consistent practice across the LSE, focusing on: the amount and quality of student-tutor contact time, department subsidised language courses, greater use of professors to teach third year students, state school applications and uptake
Many students at LSE feel isolated and alone. I believe the best student experience results from close, inclusive and mutually supportive student communities. Such communities cannot be created artificially, but I will ensure that the Students' Union creates the conditions where they can grow, by: introducing new and alternative social opportunities, not just based in bars, providing more common rooms and other social space, including a dedicated postgraduate common room, facilitating study groups, standing firmly against discrimination
I believe that, as a community, students are entitled to support from one and other, the School and the Students' Union. This support should begin when problems begin and should be available when students need it the most, therefore I will: Establish a 'Support Week' in Michaelmas term making students aware of available support, Running a stress "field hospital" during exams for urgent advice and guidance, Introducing and lobbying for schemes to assist low income and international students, including the Rent Guarantor Scheme, preventing costs and bureaucracy from becoming a barrier to study.
Ed Welfare: Ruhana Ali

If elected as your Education and Welfare Officer, I will work for an inclusive Students’ Union which defends your education and supports your welfare, by standing for:
Affordable Education: Campaigning against fee increases and proposals to lift limits on undergraduate fees; Pressing for an end to visa charges for international students; Lobbying LSE against fees for postgraduate applications; Pushing for more bursaries; Supporting greater “London weighting” for financial support for students, due to the city’s high living costs.
Improved Student Support: Arguing for more structure in teaching by ensuring easy access to lecture notes and adequate course packs; Pressing for more efficient, useful evaluation of performance; Making pastoral care work for you through better tutorial support; Campaigning for re-sits and fast collective exam feedback.; Proactively encouraging state school applications
A Healthier Student Experience: Improving awareness of access to local medical services including registration procedures at St. Phillips; Raising Mental Health Awareness; Lobbying for better facilities for learning languages through course subsidisation ; Providing First Aid, Self-Defence and yoga classes; Working for more stress management and sports facilities; Keeping Wednesday afternoons free for all students.
An Inclusive Union with Strong Student Involvement: Termly welfare student forums to voice your concerns; Improving disabled access to union buildings; Setting up a Residences Welfare Committee with all halls represented; Standing for equality for all – working closely with ALL the Diversity officers to combat discrimination; Supporting initiatives for international justice and human rights ; Action for a greener, more ethical LSE
An Experienced Candidate: Union General Meeting Vice-Chair, LooSE TV Head of Journalis, PuLSE radio presenter International News Show, Luton Youth Education Forum, State School Student Mentor, Brixton Youth Worker, Student Assembly Against Racism supporter, Global Show co-host.
SuperRu – Supporting you all the way through.
Comms Race: Dan Sheldon

I'd like to be your Communications Officer because I believe I have the combination of political activism and technical competency this Union needs.
There is a strong campaigning tradition at LSE, and this works best when the goals are practical, achievable and will make a real difference to the world around us. I have a proven track record of social justice campaigning: Living Wage, TfL student discounts and keeping the cap on top-up fees. I believe the SU should be at the forefront of student activism at LSE, and as Comms offer this will be a priority.
I see the role of Comms - and the SU in general - as overseeing all student activity on campus, whether that be Badminton, Brazilian Society or the Beaver. I will make it my business to make sure you have a fun time at LSE by letting you know what's on and co-ordinating events around campus. The keys to this will be comprehensive society training, an easy to digest events guide and a proper website for the AU.
We could harness new technologies like blogs, wikis and social networks to make the SU run more efficiently, use less paper and make promotion easier for society events. I want to lobby the School on technological issues such as increasing our email inbox size, upgrading WebCT and using more open source software. As a professional web developer, I admit that I am a bit of a geek but with my knowledge and the SU's bargaining power, we can make a practical difference to our day-to-day student experience.
Please email for a full manifesto.
Comms Race: Simon Douglas

Although I have a vast experience of work in the Union and the Media Group, I strongly believe that the candidate who wins should have the best policy, and I believe that person is me:
Media Group: It should be easier for people to get involved in the Media Group, so I will foster closer co-ordination between the different branches; I will use the Media Group Forum to produce a long term plan for LSESU media.
Website: I want to form a team of students - who may be paid - for keeping the website updated and relevant on a day-to-day basis, while the Comms officer retains overall control and responsibility.
Campaigns: Once campaigns have been mandated by the UGM - indicating that the Union cares about them - I will follow up on these with material support, using my design skills to produce booklets, leaflets, flyers and more.
Marketing: I will create a Societies’ Forum for different societies to share best practice in gaining sponsorship; I will lobby potential sponsors early in the Summer, before most societies and other Unions are able to speak to these companies and their graduate recruitment budgets are allocated away from the LSE; I will operate a preferential pricing policy for ethical companies and those we don’t usually see sponsoring and advertising around the LSESU - making the LSE environment more diverse and stimulating; I will produce an AU handbook, with the AU Comms Officer, for Freshers’ Week so that new students are more likely to get involved with sports.
Accountability: I will mandate myself to explain exactly what I’ve done with each of these pledges - and more - at the UGM, meaning I will have to follow through on every promise.
Simon Says… Vote Simon Douglas for Comms.
Comms Race: Edward Philip Roland Chevasco
CHEVASCO Stop the War, SWSS, Respect; No Fees, No Racism, No War. Why I want to be elected: I want to transform the way the LSE student union does things. I believe we can make huge amount of progress by introducing referenda for all students on all critical school decisions and appointments. I want the LSE to foster participant student democracy and encourage radical student activism.
A strong Campaigning, Engaging
Communicating Student Union
A believe that the students union can be a force for good and progressive change, improving the lives of not only LSE students but also fighting for a better world. History has proved that student activism works, and LSE has a proud history of student activism. It is only when united that we have any influence though, and so as Communications officer I would work hard to get more students to the UGM, encourage greater student activism and campaign to give every student vote in matters that affect our lives at university. Everyone should have a stake in students politics not just professional hacks
Free Education:
I want to campaign to make free education a priority for the NUS. I like many other students was on the demo in October to scrap tuition fees, but to stop the government from raising the “cap” on Top Up Fees, we need more student activism and pressure from both LSE SU and NUS as a whole. We in the LSE union need to campaign as hard as possible for the Universal Human Right of Education
Stop the war- Free Palestine –Don’t attack Iran:
And where has the money for education gone? Into fighting Bush and Blair’s bloody and illegal war and into building nuclear warheads. If elected to the student executive I would continue to campaign against the war on a
A strong Campaigning, Engaging
Communicating Student Union
A believe that the students union can be a force for good and progressive change, improving the lives of not only LSE students but also fighting for a better world. History has proved that student activism works, and LSE has a proud history of student activism. It is only when united that we have any influence though, and so as Communications officer I would work hard to get more students to the UGM, encourage greater student activism and campaign to give every student vote in matters that affect our lives at university. Everyone should have a stake in students politics not just professional hacks
Free Education:
I want to campaign to make free education a priority for the NUS. I like many other students was on the demo in October to scrap tuition fees, but to stop the government from raising the “cap” on Top Up Fees, we need more student activism and pressure from both LSE SU and NUS as a whole. We in the LSE union need to campaign as hard as possible for the Universal Human Right of Education
Stop the war- Free Palestine –Don’t attack Iran:
And where has the money for education gone? Into fighting Bush and Blair’s bloody and illegal war and into building nuclear warheads. If elected to the student executive I would continue to campaign against the war on a
Comms race: Kayt Berry

I’m Kayt Berry. This year I have been Station Manager for PuLSEfm and one of the main controllers of the media group. This role has given me a great experience in running a team and promoting events, brands and campaigns. I also know how the SU works.
The Communications Officer should build a bridge between student government and the Media Group, and publicise events and services administered by the SU. My experience in promotions and media makes me an ideal candidate for this role. But it hasn’t just prepared me to work within the Student’s Union. It has also given me the knowledge and drive to change it. Too often are crucial issues dominated by the same few committed people, because of a lack of effective publicity for the Union.
The UGM is the heart of student democracy but currently sparsely attended; it needs to evolve. I propose simple measures to change this with the use of a bell on Houghton Street to announce the beginning of the UGM, an A-board to advertise, sponsored incentives to attend, themed society weeks and encouragement for society motions.
Increased use and development of web-use is the way forward for the SU. I will build up a healthy working relationship with OnCampus to ensure it is working the best it can. Advances that I would propose include refining an SU news feed, creating personalised calendars, and designing a payment scheme for SU events and society membership drives.
I’m looking into separating Global and RAG week to divide the Communication Officer’s workload more efficiently.
I also have a brilliant working relationship with all SU staff already and this is vital to the role of Communications Officer.
Because BERRY CAN COMMUNI-KAYT – vote Kayt Berry No. 1 for Comms.
Treasurer Race: Libby Meyer

I am running for treasurer because this is everyone’s union so I want to see everyone using the SU facilities. I will: Improve Freshers Fair by training the volunteers. I will also get volunteers to walk Freshers between Clement House and the Old Gym so they can sign up to all the societies and AU clubs they want to. I will have sign up sheets for all societies and clubs in both the SU reception and halls. Therefore everyone has every opportunity to join the societies and clubs they want to.
Make Parish Hall more accessible to AU teams by replacing the existing floor with hard flooring
I am always approachable and willing to chat to you!
I will encourage more people to use SU services by: Better publicising 3TK and introducing a loyalty card system; Diversifying the entertainments program; Ensuring the new space for the Advice Centre is fully utilised
I will improve the efficiency of societies by: Holding an induction evening for society officers at the beginning of the year. This will expand the current training system in place; Improve the use of money allocated to societies by sending an email to societies in week 5 of Lent term informing them of their remaining budget; Improve the society handover procedure; Increase storage space for societies by utilising the space in Parish Hall.
I have a lot of experience and commitment : I have served as treasurer and chair of the Australian and New Zealand Society, I am netball club captain and was also a netball captain, I have developed strong established relationships with the Entertainments Manager, Societies Manager, Sports Administrator and other SU officials through active society and AU involvement.
So aim higher, vote Libby Meyer!
Treasurer race: Tom Davey

The Student’s Union is about students. Its policies, as well as investments, should consult and involve them. We can make the LSESU even more reputable. Further training programs will be set up to improve interview and personal skills amongst students, making them even more attractive to employers. In addition, the development of skills through societies will be encouraged, not stifled and we will build an SU that can surpass our Oxbridge and Ivy League rivals.
I plan to encourage more sponsorship and investment from business and alumni; communication with whom I have already started. This will be used to ensure an SU with a healthier budget.
More efficiency, more resources and more money are achievable. Societies need a chance to defend budget proposals, through a process of negotiation in meetings, in order to get the money they deserve, regardless how small or new. This will negate any unnecessary future questioning and criticism about the allocation of funds. Furthermore, we will allow a roll-over of any unused money to the following year, and develop a system allowing societies to monitor their spending consistently. Additionally, the financial planning over the next few years must be geared to our move to a new SU building and I plan to begin the necessary preparation.
I’m a second year Government and Economics student who has been heavily involved in the committees of both Question Time (Vice-Chair) and Debate societies. I was the Convenor responsible for the planning and budgeting of the London IV debate competition. During Global week, I also arranged the One World Ambassadors series, and got 15 ambassadors to come speak. I have secured sponsorship from PWC, The Economist and The Daily Telegraph for societies over the past 6 months, therefore successfully raising money.
For an efficient Union, vote Tom Davey for Treasurer..
Treasurer race: Jeff Courtney

Vote Jeff for Treasurer if you want increased access to improved services. The SU provides many services including food outlets, drinking venues societies and the AU. These services should be as good as possible and available and accessible to all.
For Better Services: Increased range of drinks in the Tuns, including draught ale and wine by the bottle to encourage a wider array of students to visit the Tuns; Creating a more sustainable, greener Union through working towards Gold Standard in the Sound Impact Awards; Improved Gym and Shower facilities on campus; Greater freedom for self-funding societies – allowing them to more widely benefit their entire membership; More organic, fair-trade, vegan, halal and kosher food across campus; A better publicised, more enticing reFresher’s Fair – to allow newer and more established societies to attract new members.
For Greater Participation and Equal Access: Creating a hardship fund to cover costs of sports kit and equipment; Seeking to provide online booking for squash courts; Helping fledgling societies to get outside sponsorship; Raising additional funds by seeking donations from Alumni and in particular Honorary Students; Allowing society events to be run free of charge in the underground on Fridays to raise Crush attendance; Expanding the use of Parish hall for societies; With the coming of the smoking ban I will look to open the Clare market roof as a beer garden and smoking terrace; Making funds available to provide more English as a foreign language courses.
I’d like your vote for Treasurer as I have the practical policies to improve SU services and the experience to implement them. Reliable. Passionate. Experienced. Vote Jeff #1 for Treasurer.
Gen Sec Race: Zoe Sullivan

My name is Zoe Sullivan and I'm running for General Secretary. I'm running because I want to make the Students Union more relevant to the majority of students and inject it with a new dynamism. Our union is changing. In five years, we will be in a new building and have 10,000 members. With so much at stake being decided now, the next General Secretary will have a massive effect on the future of the SU.
Here are some of my priorities: BETTER TEACHING QUALITY - by giving programme representatives the strength to tackle issues like tutor contact and value-for-money. I also want to work with them on securing exam feedback and re-sits; A DUAL RESPONSE TO FEES - that includes campaigning to keep the cap but also increasing financial support and debt management advice; STUDENT-FOCUSED POLICY - through campaigns to extend Oystercard discounts and to secure a 24-hour common space for students working late to relax in, so that university feels less like a 9-to-5 job and more like a place where students meet, study and live; MORE ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT - in order to make the SU more relevant to the majority of students I propose holding events like student policy conferences as part of awareness weeks, and peer-review essay competitions by department; PROTECTION OF STUDENTS - from all forms of discrimination and abuse, and improving security around campus and in halls.
I believe I have the necessary vision, experience and determination. If you give me the chance, I will succeed.
Let's make a good union great: Vote Zoe Sullivan for General Secretary.
Gen Sec Race: Fadhil Bakeer-Markar

VOTE FADHIL FOR GENSEC. I want us to be the most active, inclusive, and responsive Students’ Union in the country, standing up for students on issues such as: Affordable Education and Better Student Support – improving the quality of teaching. I will lobby for affordable education, exam feedback and summer re-sits, and against visa charge rises; Greater SU-School consultation - there is no excuse for the LSE excluding the SU and muting its concerns, including on controversial issues. I will be an effective bridge between the School and SU, involving more students in SU activities and effectively representing your interests; Improving daily student life – I stand for better quality food on campus, more comfortable seating, more options for banks and phone companies at Freshers’ Fair, better Media Group facilities, increased language support and more postgraduate study spaces; Environment and Ethics – we need a more environmentally sound LSE, promoting ethical investment; supporting international justice and initiatives such as the Living Wage Campaign; Equality for All – working for a culture of tolerance and diversity; campaigning against racism, sexism, homophobia and discrimination towards disabled students; Sports facilities – with LSE’s expansion, I want to prioritise the need for excellent facilities on campus; Residences - I will push residences to prioritise students with financial difficulties in less expensive halls, support more budget places and will work to make it easier to find accommodation after 1st yr.
There’s a lot of work to be done, but given my experience, energy and ideas, I believe I am the candidate capable of involving more students and taking the Union forward.
Students’ Union International Students’ Officer, NUS Delegate, Member of the Court of Governors, Treasurer of High Holborn Hall, Treasurer of UN Society, Chair Global Show Production Crew, President of the International Society.
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